- 論文の詳細を見る
Agricultural means of production is land. Therefore, agricultural productivity is relativelylow compared to other industrial productivity. As the economy grows, labor and land willcontinue to flow from agriculture to other industries. If no action is taken, agriculture willdecline, and a food crisis will come. Therefore, agricultural protection policy has been adoptedin many countries. As a result of protectionism, there is an oversupply of agricultural products,and their prices drop. Then, further protection policy is required. Japan is a typical example.As a result, farmland has decreased and workers are aging, and Japan has fallen into a crisis ofagricultural decline.Protection policy aims to raise agricultural productivity. To do so, the area of arable land perhead had to be expanded. But in reality, the agricultural land per head did not expand. Thecause is that the competition has been impeded by the protection policy. From the beginning of2000s, Japan's agricultural policy has changed towards the integration of the farmland topromote competition. Although it is controversial, in order to increase the power of food selfsufficiencyin Japan, we must expand the arable land per farmer to increase agriculturalproductivity.
- 2013-03-10
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