培地成分が培養カラスビシャク植物個体の生長に果たす役割(第1報) : ショ糖の役割
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The effects of the sucrose concentration in the culture medium on the growth of Pinellia ternata plants cultured in the media were studied by using the parameters of growth analysis and the distribution rate of dry matter in each organ. Corm-like bodies were shake cultured in the MS liquid medium containing 0.25 mg/l IAA, 0.5 mg/l BA and a different amount of sucrose (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12%). After second subculture, the dry weight of each organ-corm-like body, leaf blade, petiole, root-was measured. The growth parameters and the distribution rate of dry matter in each organ were calculated. The sucrose contents in the media after culture were also determined by the Roe method. In the sucrose free medium, the dry weight increase of whole plants was very slight. In the medium containing 6% sucrose, both the dry weight increase of the whole plants and the distribution rate of the dry matter in corm-like body increased more than in the medium containing 3 % sucrose. When the concentration of sucrose was higher than 6 %, no further increase of either of the two was observed, and when it was 12%, reduction in the dry weight of whole plants was observed. The dry weight of corm-like bodies was the highest when the medium contained 6% and 9% sucrose. The ratio of the dry weight to the wet (fresh) weight of corm-like bodies proportion- ally increased as the sucrose concentration in the medium increased. The growth rate was found to correlate with the amount of sucrose in the medium consumed.
- 1990-12-20
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- 培地成分が培養カラスビシャク植物個体の生長に果たす役割(第1報) : ショ糖の役割