貝歯の生薬学的研究(第1報) : 貝子および柴貝の本草文献学的検討
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"Beizi (貝子)" and "Zibei (紫貝)" are molluscan drugs used as a vision clarifier and as an anti-inflammatory agent in China and Japan. "Beizi," which is also called "Beichi (貝歯)," is described in "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (神農本草経)" and "Zibei," which is often called "Yaluo (〓螺)," is described in "Xin Xiu Ben Cao (新修本草)." Later, "Beizi" and "Zibei" were called "Baibeichi (白貝歯)" and "Zibeichi (紫貝歯)" respectively. Today both of these crude drugs are generally called by the name of "Beichi." "Beizi" (meaning "small shells") is described as being white in colour with a tortoise-like swollen shell-dorsal side and with two lip-shaped margins with many teeth on the ventral side (hence these shells were called "Beichi"). These descriptions suggest that they are small cowries. "Zibei" (meaning "violet shells") are large white shells with many violet spots on them. In old days, in China, painters used these shells for polishing the surfaces of their work and hence those shells were called "Yaluo." These descriptions suggest that they are large cowries. The illustrations in such old Chinese literatures, especially those in "Ben Cao Yuan Shi (本草原始)," suggest that "Beizi" shells are those of either of the two mollusks belonging to family Cypraeidae, i.e. Monetaria (Monetaria) moneta (L.) and M. (Ornamentaria) annulus (L). "Zibei" shells are presumably the shells of Cypraea tigirs L., Cypraeidae.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1982-09-20
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