C-16 ガスタービン翼を対象としたTBC遮熱性能非破壊評価法の開発 : 第2報(材料,一般講演)
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TBCs are applied to various hot gas path components such as combustors, blades, and vanes. The application of a TBC causes a significant decrease in the temperature of the base metal surface. However, it is reported that under high-temperature operating conditions, the heat resistance of the TBC decreases gradually because of sintering and erosion of the TBC layer. Accurate evaluation of changes in the TBC heat resistance is very important for evaluating the residual lifetime of a given component. So we have proposed a new concept and have developed a system for measuring the heat resistance of the TBC layer on a blade. This system is mainly composed of a carbon dioxide laser, a robot arm, and an IR camera. In this paper, we present a verified result of the measurement accuracy of this system using a plate shaped TBC sample.
- 2011-07-06
- 電力中央研究所におけるガスタービン用コーティング評価試験設備について(ガスタービンを開発・製造・維持するための試験設備)
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