エンパワメントとしての読解力に関する考察 : キー・コンピテンシーの概念を手がかりに
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The purpose of this paper is to suggest "reading literacy as empowerment" by considering and adopting key competencies and rebuilding PISA-type reading literacy. Key competencies that are required for success in personal and social development, regardless of differences such as country, culture, age, and occupation, were revealed by the OECD. Japanese researchers also suggest PISA-type reading literacy from the standpoint of Japanese language education. This paper clarified the fact that key competencies value a perspective of empowerment. Reading literacy, one of the key competencies, is also a skill that is deeply involved in empowerment. In addition, this paper crystallized how competent learners develop, as "reading literacy as empowerment" was based on precedence studies about empowerment in Japanese language education and analysis of practices with which learners develop "reading literacy as empowerment." As a result, it clarified that developing "reading literacy as empowerment" for learners could suggest reading literacy is different from the traditional theory of PISA-type reading literacy.
- 2011-09-30
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