第11回UNESCO-APEID国際会議に参加して : 「もう一つの世界」の実現へ向けてアジア-太平洋地域の高等教育がめざすべき道
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More than three hundred participants from thirty-five different countries gathered in Bangkok from 12 to 14 December 2007 for the 11th UNESCO-APEID International Conference, 'Reinventing Higher Education: Toward Participatory and Sustainable Development'. The conference consisted of four plenary sessions following Raja Roy Singh Lecture given by Stephen Toope, the President of the University of British Columbia, Canada, and various satellite sessions held in five separate rooms everyday. Dr Toope argued the active role of students in university community partnerships. Discussions in plenary and satellite sessions could be understood and interpreted as follows. First, the concept of sustainable development should involve every dimension of the environmental, economic, social as well as moral. Second, Asia-Pacific universities need to share an alternative vision of higher education. Third, participatory research and education is the key to develop ESD, i.e. Education for Sustainable Development. Finally, the assessment based upon social justice should be systematized. In conclusion, ‘another world' is possible, we believe, if universities in the south are united and determined to resist and change the currently dominant neoliberal policies in higher education. Actually, in this conference we observed that the trend had already started to change.
- 2009-06-30
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