クマイザサ(Sasa senanensis Rehder)の蛋白糖化最終生成物(AGEs)生成抑制作用の研究
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Non-enzymatic reaction between glucose and protein leads to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and its accumulation has been linked to the development of diabetic complications, as well as to the progression of age-related diseases. In recent years, attention has been paid to the effect of inhibiting AGE formation in the body for the purposes of anti-aging, health promotion, and lifestyle-disease prevention. In the present study, we evaluated the anti-glycation effects of Kumaizasa (Sasa senanensis Rehder) and the potential of its use as an anti-glycation product. Using an in vitro method with glucose and human serum albumin (HSA), we analyzed the inhibition of the formation of AGEs; specifically fluorescent AGEs, 3-deoxyglucosone (3DG), Pentosidine (Pent), and N^ε-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) by Kumaizasa utilizing fluorescence spectroscopy, HPLC, and enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA). We analyzed its anti-glycation effects by comparing the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC_50) against these glycated products with aminoguanidine, a known inhibitor of glycation. IC_50 of fluorescent AGEs by Kumaizasa (powder form) and aminoguanidine were almost equal concentrations, while IC_50 against 3DG, Pent, and CML were significantly lower for Kumaizasa (powder form) than that of aminoguanidine. IC_50 of 3DG by Kumaizasa (hot water extraction) and aminoguanidine were almost equal concentrations, while IC_50 against fluorescent AGEs, Pent, and CML were significantly lower for Kumaizasa (hot water extraction) than that of aminoguanidine. These results suggest that Kumaizasa strongly inhibits glycation and may be useful for anti-glycation products, including health foods and cosmetics.
宮崎 亮
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
宮崎 亮
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
埜本 慶太郎
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
八木 雅之
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
堀 未央
Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University
埜本 慶太郎
Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University
北野 貴大
Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University
堀 未央
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
北野 貴大
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
埜本 慶太郎
Graduate School Of Life And Medical Sciences Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Anti-aging Medical Research Center And Glycation Stress Research Center Graduate School Of Life And
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