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加齢に伴う生活の質(QOL:Quolity of Life)低下により睡眠の質(QOS:Quality of Sleep)は低下する.QOSを良好に保ち健康的な生活習慣を持つことは,労働衛生の面からも重要である.今回我々は企業労働者を対象に腕時計型3次元加速度センサを装着し,QOS及び昼間の身体活動度について非侵襲的評価を試みたので,その結果を報告する.村田機械(株)(愛知県犬山市)に勤める男性従業員のうち検診結果に基づき保健管理センターにより要生活指導と判定された6名(50.5±2.6歳)を対象とした.被検者は抗加齢QOL共通問診票(Anti-Aging QOL Common Questionnaire: AAQol)を記入し,QOSは腕時計型三次元加速度センサ(アクティグラフ Actigraph, A.M.I., USA)を用いて日中及び睡眠時の体動量を計測し評価した.体動測定はセンサを1週間連続装着し行った.結果解析にはアクティグラフ解析ソフトウェア(AW2,A.M.I.,USA)を用いた.自覚症状および生活習慣に問題は認められなかった.睡眠パラメータは各被検者の1週間の身体活動量から算出した.全ての被検者において睡眠効率は90%以上,平均睡眠時間は6時間以上だった.睡眠時活動量,及び中途覚醒は被検者間で差が生じた.観察期間中に腹痛を発症した被検者腹痛前夜の睡眠中活動量及び中途覚醒回数が増大し,睡眠効率が70%程度に低下し,QOSの低下が示唆された.QOS低下に伴い,次日の日中活動量が低下し,居眠り回数が増加した.以上の結果より,3次元加速度センサによる体動量監視はQOS及び昼間活動度の定量評価に有用な方法である.Deterioration in quality of sleep (QOS) according to aging decreases quality of life (QOL). It is important to maintain QOS high and healthy in the lifestyle and also from respect of the occupational health. Here, we tried the noninvasive evaluation of QOS by installing wristwatch-type motion sensors for corporate workers. Subjects were 6 male employees (mean age, 50.5 ± 2.6 years old) of a machine manufacturer located in Inuyama City who underwent a company-wide medical check-up. They were judged by the health management center the needed lifestyle guidance. Subjects undertook the Anti-Aging QOL Common Questionnaire (AAQol) and QOS analysis by using a three-dimension accelerometer (Actigraph, A.M.I., USA). The sensor was continuously installed in the subject for one week and the body motion measurement was performed. The data was analyzed by software AW2 (A.M.I.) referring to the sleep diary described. Problems were not noted in the subjective symptom or their lifestyle by AAQol. Various sleep parameters were calculated from the continuum movement measurements of one week of each subject. The sleep efficiency was more than 90% and the total sleep time 6 hours or more in all subjects. The difference was noted in the amount of the mean activity and number of awakening episodes during sleep. In a subject accompanied abdominal pain during the observation period, the number of awakening episodes increased and the sleep efficiency decreased to less than 70%, indicating low QOS. The daytime mean activity was low with high frequency of the doze the next day of the low QOS sleep. The monitor of the physical movement for 24 hours by an accelerometer may be useful for the quantitative evaluation of QOS and the activity level in daytime.
埜本 慶太郎
Anti-Aging Medical Research Center, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, Doshisha University
宮崎 亮
Anti-Aging Medical Research Center, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, Doshisha University
長谷川 力
Anti-Aging Medical Research Center, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Anti-Aging Medical Research Center, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, Doshisha University
宮崎 亮
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
埜本 慶太郎
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
長谷川 力
Anti-aging Medical Research Center Graduate School Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
米井 嘉一
Anti-aging Medical Research Center And Glycation Stress Research Center Graduate School Of Life And
埜本 慶太郎
Anti-aging Medical Research Center And Glycation Stress Research Center Graduate School Of Life And
米井 嘉一
Anti-aging Medical Research Center And Glycation Stress Research Center Graduate School Of Life And
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