- 論文の詳細を見る
It is important to elucidate the effects of physical education on students' psychology. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of students' learning experience of skiing skills in ski training sessions on the their self-efficacy, taking into account the contents of the experience. The self-efficacy is considered in three hierarchical phases, namely 1) self-efficacy for skiing, 2) physical self-efficacy, and 3) general self-efficacy. We studied two different ski training programs, one for university students and the other for nursing school students. A total of 59 students, 37 males and 22 females, participated in the university program, and 35 female students participated in the nursing school program. Both programs targeted experiencing the enjoyment of skiing with the instruction method and contents common to both, such as class formation according to skill level. Self-efficacy was assessed using the skiing efficacy scale, the physical self-efficacy scale (Matsuo et al., 1999), and the general self-efficacy scale (Sakano et al., 1986). The results from the analysis of variance showed that the efficacy for skiing and physical self-efficacy increased after training for both programs, but the general self-efficacy presented no change. It was indicated that the improvement in skiing efficacy, physical self-efficacy, and general self-efficacy is affected by awareness of their proficiency level, recognition of the importance of skiing, and satisfaction with the ski training sessions. From these results, we can gather that ski training sessions affect students' self-efficacy and it is suggested that their attitudes toward the training sessions, how they engage in the activities in particular, are greatly related to the improvement in self-efficacy.
- 社団法人全国大学体育連合の論文
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