'Political economic thought' and the development of political economy as a discipline in Japan: civilization, enlightenment, and modernization
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研究ノート(Note)日本における経済学の導入は、近代日本にとって、西欧の先進科学の一つとして、軍事・政治・産業の制度や技術と並んで、焦眉の急を要することである。経済学とは、受け容れた国々の時代や環境によって変容していったことも、よく知られたとおりであった。この研究ノートは、江戸後期から昭和期までの経済思想の特徴を、日本における「経済」学と経済学の教義の展開として、検討するだろう。明治期は、経済思想の急速な発展をどのように促したのであろうか?開化時代として知られたこの時期は、元来、伝統的な共通意識として東アジアを背景にして生まれた日本の経世論に対して、どのような関係だったのであろうか。そして、どこに、日本の「近代経済学」形成にとって明確に「意識されない基底」として、連続性と断絶との可能性が求められるのであろうか?In the latter half of the nineteenth century, Japan introduced a system of political economy (economics), urgently needed for the country's modernization. This was in addition to a new system that was required for modernizing the country's military affairs, politics, and industry. It was a popular consensus that the systems of political economy changed with age and the circumstances faced by the countries adopting them. This paper seeks to examine the features of the traditional political economic thought that existed from the latter part of the Edo era to the Showa era and the development of political economy as a discipline in Japan. Was there any catalyst during the Meiji era that aided the rapid development of economic thought? What relation did this period, known as `the age of the enlightenment', have with the traditional Japanese `political economic thought', originating from the collective consciousness that was born against the backdrop of East Asian civilization? Moreover, can it be said that it was this common base of collective consciousness that was continued / discontinued to result in the formation of modern economics?
西岡 幹雄
Miyata Jun
Nishioka Mikio
Minamimori Shigeta
Nishi Atsushi
南森 茂太
宮田 純
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