制度フレームとインセンティブ設計 ―太宰春台の「常平倉」論における経済社会安定化論―
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`The law of joheiso' in the early modern Japan was a policy of aiming at the adjustment of the price of rice. In general a series of this policy was employed for the uniformity of rice, which meant the standardization of prices of various goods, by the government (the Shogunate etc.) procurement in a year of a good harvest (teki) or oppositely by the government discharge of rice in a year of a bad harvest (cho). It was Dazai Shundai's Keizairoku (Political Economy) (1729) that worked on controlling the economic fluctuations as well as contributing to the price stabilization by this rice price policy. The introduction of this policy instrument had effects even on an economical meaning. It meant that the dilemma between “Politics" of public welfare and “Human feelings" was grasped as a gap lying between the optimizing behaviour of individual interests and the public good, and that this was recognized as externality. Institutionalization in “Political Economy" by Dazai Shundai removed these contradictions from the incentive design by the function working as a rule made by the introduction of `the law of joheiso' and clearly showed the theme of the whole economic society and the problem of the idea of welfare “economy" that this would constitute the framework which attaches much importance to “Political Economy" to control “anti-compromising Interests" along with “the road to welfare."
- 同志社大学経済学会の論文
- 2005-02-28
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