- 論文の詳細を見る
I have obtained following results written in my 209 scientific papers. 1. The tropospheric aerosols having the residence time of about 5 days are sporadically transported with a few % of long lived stratospheric aerosols. 2. The air-sea gas exchange at the sea surface is highly controlled by air bubbles taken into the depths sometimes more than 20m, inducing the fact that the gas exchange rate of CO_2 is a few tens % at least larger than that of O_2. 3. The Pacific Deep Water can absorb the largest amount of CO_2 when its nutrients are used by photosynthesis, due to the facts that (i) it dissolved much CaCO_3 test during its stay in the deep, (ii) it was formed before the industrial revolution, and (iii) it expelled CO_2 from the surface during winter in the Antarctic Ocean. 4. The continental shelf zone shallower than 200m occupying only 8% of area of world seas is contributing about a half of the oceans' atmospheric CO_2 absorption. 5. Chemical tracers reveal one order of magnitude slower northward flow of the Pacific Deep Water than the current meter, its vertical eddy diffusivity of 1.2cm^2/sec and its oldest age of 2000 years as well as 3% renewal of the Japan Sea deep water in winter 2000-2001. 6. Analyzing the oceanic behavior of radiochemical isotopes of insoluble metals, most of which cannot be collected on filter paper but settle down with great speeds, I submitted the train-passengers model for their removal from the ocean. 7. Sediment trap experiments gave the results that the organic C/carbonate C ratio is large in the western North Pacific, but it decreases with depth, indicating that the biological pump in the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic deeper than 1km is helpless. 8. In the Cenozoic era, diatoms are the strongest phytoplankton in the ocean, but their superiority disappears by reducing the concentration of dissolved silica below a threshold value due to their exclusive propagation during, for example, spring blooming, introducing the community of flagellates. 9. Mn in seawater is oxidized and removed forming particles, but it is remobilized by reducing in sediments. Repeating the processes, Mn is transported to the pelagic ocean and ferromanganese nodules are made slowly. 10. The low atmospheric CO_2 during the glacial ages is not due to the active biological production, but due to the bottom water flowing into the Atlantic and dissolving CaCO_3 followed by absorbing CO_2 at the surface as well as stronger stratification by making the bottom water dense.
- 2011-07-10
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