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Presently midwives mostly assist with births in medical facilities and little is known of the history of early midwives, but this study examines one woman who worked as an independent practicing midwife between the 1930s and 1980s. For this study, I went to Nita-gun in Shimane prefecture on April 2004 and March 2005 and interviewed Kanou Shigeyo, 92 years old at the time, about her study and work experience. She was born in 1912 and decided to learn to become a midwife at the suggestion of her mother. At 15 she entered a nursing program and graduated two years later. Then she entered a midwife program and graduated in 1931 after which she started to work at a hospital. Then in 1934, she decided to start her own business and continued until the mid-1980s. This article, which offers a close-up and unprecedented look at one of the first women to become a midwife, comprises of the following sections: The road to becoming a midwife, opening a business, work history that includes her help with births and fees, her thoughts as a midwife, considerations, and conclusion.
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