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Introduction: The Japanese government has proposed to effectively and practically usemidwives, as one of the measures to solve the current issues of a reducing number ofobstetric departments or a shortage of obstetric doctors. However, as baby deliveries at ahospital became common in the modern society, an individual midwife's responsibility in anormal delivery care has gradually faded, which makes it difficult both technically andmentally to play the important role in assisting with childbirth. Therefore, in order toreconsider the current midwife's occupation, we interviewed an elderly midwife, Ms.Chieko Nagano, who lives on an island and worked independently for many years.Study method: Life historyResults: We found that Ms. Nagano worked at a hospital for 23 years after obtaining amidwifery license, built up her career experience, and became a midwife in private practicein 1981, hoping to help local people with her expertise and experience. Until she retired in2007, she gave secured delivery and comfort to local people without having any medicalfaults. At the end of September, 2004, it became difficult to dispatch an obstetric doctor toOki Hospital. Then, she had to discontinue her midwifery facility, because Oki Hospitalwas unable to accept emergency patients who had to be transferred from the midwiferycenter. Although midwives have an official license and are capable of managing normaldelivery care, they can not perform midwifery practice without the presence of a medicaldoctor. During Ms. Nagano's midwifery career of nearly 50 years, she engaged in more than5,000 childbirths, giving a heartfelt comfort to pregnant women, and had many wonderfulexperiences as a professional midwife. She believes the midwifery career had been the bestfor her and a mission in her life.Conclusion: Although midwives are capable of handling normal delivery care, midwiferypractice is possible providing that the local medical care system is organized and anobstetric doctor is available when considered necessary. The base for giving comfort and joyfor childbirth, from a midwife to pregnant women and their families, includes midwiferyexpertise, affection to local people, devotedness and responsibility of the career. Foreducating midwives themselves, and brushing-up their expertise, a soul-stirringmotivation is necessary by knowing the experience and attitude of such senior midwiveswho devoted themselves to long years of service.
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