国際金融システム改革の主要課題 : アジア経済危機から21世紀システムへ
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After the burst of Asian Economic Crisis, followed by Russia and Brazil, international community became busy in discussing the strengthening the architecture of international financial system for the 21st century. The paper reviews the main actors for reform proposals, such as International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, G7 Summit Meeting, the US Government, Japanese Government, Institute of International Finance and UNCTAD. The paper also examines the key issues of current debates for strengthening the system, including enhancement of transparency and accountability, public information, progress in internationally accepted standard for supervising banking system, liberalization of capital account, involving the private sector in forestalling and resolving crises, exchange rate regimes, increasing the IMF resources and the review of the role of IMF and the World Bank. The paper aims at showing that the financial globalization in the 1990s went hand in hand with the revitalization of the United States, which had a beautiful success in information-and-communication revolution and finance revolution, and that the reform process for strengthening the international financial system is led by the United States with cooperation of IMF, BIS and some standard-creating institutions. The conclusion of the paper on whether the debate will be fruitful for addressing and preventing the international financial crises from occurring in the near future looks dim because it seems difficult for the international community to regulate the activities of highly leveraged institutions such as hedge funds and because American-style regulation, supervision, and auditing will not protect small emerging economies from the volatility of international capital flows.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 2000-02-29
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- 『アメリカ金融覇権 終りの始まり-グローバル経済危機の検証』に対する大森拓磨氏の書評へのリプライ(書評へのリプライ)