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Semantic analysis for the establishment of mental representation is not necessarily complete and people have enourmous difficulty in detecting the anomaly in sentences such as, "They were trying to decide where to bury the surviving dead." Two experiments were carried out to examine depth of reading processing among Japanese EFL readers. In Experiment 1, the language effects (L1 vs. L2) on anomaly detection were investigated. In Experiment 2, whether or not anomaly detection occurs online was examined. The results of the two experiments showed that many readers had a tendency to process text in a shallow or incomplete manner, frequently failing to detect anomalies. This tendency was more remarkable in the L2 condition. Furthermore, participants' reading time revealed that an anomaly can be detected online, although their reaction to the anomaly might be delayed. Failures to detect contradictions are accounted for by assuming that non-detectors believe too strongly in the global text interpretations they create.
- 全国英語教育学会の論文
甲斐 あかり
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba:the Japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
甲斐 あかり
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba:japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
- Construction of a Macroproposition From Supporting Details : Investigation From Japanese EFL Reader's Summary and Importance Rating
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- Effects of Causal Networks on On-Line and Off-Line Narrative Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Readers
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- 日本人EFL学習者の読解における処理の深さ
- 再話による口頭説明が大局的一貫性の構築に及ぼす影響
- フラッシュバックが日本人EFL学習者の物語文理解に与える影響
- 再話と筆記再生課題の比較検証