Team TeachingにおけるJTEとAETとのRole Distributionについて(ティーム・ティーチング)
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There has been a great deal of discussion concerning team teaching since it was introduced into the English language classroom. In consequence, a lot of innovation is expected in the way English is taught in the classroom and a number of useful suggestions have been made from within the classroom. However, most of the discussion seems to be centered upon how teamteaching "ought to" be or "should" be conducted ; in contrast, very few reports have been made concerning "how it is actually done." Indeed, it is still too early for us to evaluate whether AETs have truly used their potential, or whether our students have really derived any benefit from team-teaching. The aim of this study is to describe what is actually going on in the team-taught classroom, and more precisely, how appropriately both JTEs and AETs distribute their roles in the teaching procedure and help each other having regard for their respective strong and weak points. In particular, by trying to see if AETs' potentials have been made the most use of as expected, we would like to suggest a way of evaluating team-taught lessons.
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- Team TeachingにおけるJTEとAETとのRole Distributionについて(ティーム・ティーチング)
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