ID体系図と企業実務の解釈について : CI計画並びにライフ・スタイル・マーケッティングの意義(審査論文集)
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This monograph aims to develop further the meaning of "Gestaltung" (system diagram of ID), which was previously published in Vol. No. 23 of "Research of Design Study" under the subject of correlation between industrial system and PUS system of designing products which is to be the basis of the ID activities. Recently, I have completed a formality diagram of industrial system centering around the category of the plan and function from the standpoint of a designer in accordance with the theoretical diagram on basis of transmitting functions in symbology. Under this diagram, I myself tried to clarify CI activities in the enterprises, which is now believed being of importance in practical businesses therein and, further, to clarify the meaning of life style marketing, which is indispensable in fashion businesses.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 1984-03-31
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