ソフトウエアを活用した音読スコアの推移分析 : 音読練習20回は妥当か?
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of repeated reading on performance, measured by the "SpeaK!" computer software. This study was composed of Study 1 and Study 2. Study 1 examined the reliability of the scores that "SpeaK!" measures, as to the correctness of the words learners read and recorded, and Study 2 examined the effects of a number of repeated readings by junior high school students and university students. In Study 1, 31 junior high school students read ten scripts and their reading was measured by "SpeaK!." In Study 2, 34 junior high school students and 36 university students read different scripts 20 times and their reading was also measured by "SpeaK!" five times. The results of Study 1 showed that the reliability analysis revealed Cronbach's α of the scores was sufficiently high. The results of Study 2 indicated that means of the score gradually increased after Repeated Reading (RR) practices. Significant gains of the mean score were observed between each score of the university students. On the other hand, no significant gains of the mean score were observed between each score of the junior high school students. But the rate of gain differed with each learner's decoding competence or proficiency. Some had no gains. This suggests that teachers should consider individual learner differences when they give RR practice to learners.
- 外国語教育メディア学会の論文
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