ソフトウェア基礎研究における思い出(2) : ソフトウェア基礎研究に関する国際活動(<特集>新しいソフトウェアの実現,サイバー増大号)
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There have been a number of challenging topics in concurrency theory since the notion of concurrency was created in theoretical studies of concurrent processes in operating systems and parallel computations. Current flourishing theoretical studies on concurrency are based on two distinct approaches: ●One is based on message-passing models that stem from Hoare's CSP and Mimer's CCS and pi-calculus. ●Another is based on logical approaches that are notably represented by temporal logic descriptions initiated by Burstall and Pnueli and linear logic descriptions invented by Girard. Both approaches have been developed in the framework of Plotkin's style of describing operational semantics called SOS (Structured Operational Semantics) inspired by the Gentzen's Sequent Calculus. Besides these approaches there are a number of studies on concurrency like Petri nets, automata-theoretic approaches, language-theoretic approaches (like shuffle and/or concurrency expressions). Also, from the standpoint of parallel algorithms and complexity theory a number of models have been proposed. Current theoretical studies on concurrency have been based on the use of message-passing models and logical approaches, and they have had considerable influences of the latest technological progresses like "internet and web computing", "security issues", "cluster computing and massively parallel computing", "bio-computing and molecular computing". Below we describe a number of challenging topics in concurrency theory. [1] Establishing theoretical foundations of provably correct and reliable operating systems {This has been a great and challenging theme in concurrency theory since 1960s, but almost no one has ever achieved this aim in a satisfactory way because of its difflculty.} [2] Establishing logical frameworks of concurrency with mechanisms for recovery from deadlock and starvation, and for detecting malfunction in concurrent systems [3] Bridging concurrency theory and parallel computation so as to establish a sound and efficient parallel computing framework from both of semantical and algorithmic standpoints These three have been challenging yet fundamental issues in concurrency theory since early 1970s. Reflecting the latest developments in computers and networks there have been a number of challenging themes, some of which are subsidiary topics of the above three major themes. [a] Process calculi that guarantee "safety and security" and "trustiness" of processes and their actions [b] Process calculi with ability of expressing mobility, temporality, resource sensitiveness, cost-sensitiveness, and locality [c] Process calculi with trustiness of information as theoretical bases of mobile processes in global networks [d] Theoretical foundations of verifying compilers for concurrent and distributed languages [e] Theoretical foundations of efficient concurrent and parallel computing for irregular and mixed data/information structures [f] Theories of powerful parallel control mechanisms and structures and their applications in hardware design and parallel language design [g] Design and implementation of theory-based languages and systems and theory-based tools for design and implementation [h] Emerging applications in 1. Industrial applications 2. Socio-Economic applications 3. Biological applications
- 日本ソフトウェア科学会の論文
- 2006-04-26
- ソフトウェア科学会第3回大会
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- ソフトウェア基礎研究における思い出(2) : ソフトウェア基礎研究に関する国際活動(新しいソフトウェアの実現,サイバー増大号)
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