保育者に求められる身体 : 身体の共振と行為的直観
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This study aims to investigate the physical approach expected of expert Kindergarten's teachers. To this end, the focus is placed on a trait that has been identified in previous research as the physical sense of "resonance", which teachers are expected to display as experts. By clarifying, in concrete terms, the conditions for the achievement of physical resonance, and the course of change in the relation between teachers and children, in the context of actual care between teachers and children, this study attempts to investigate the physical approach currently expected of expert teachers. As a result, it has become clear that three actions-(1) simultaneously coordinating and making use of voice, line of sight, posture, etc.; (2) mutually receiving an image of the activity and providing new images; and (3) building the image of the activity to a climax in the final stages-that are performed instinctively and subconsciously between teachers and children, according to the situation, bring about the achievement of physical resonance and its sustenance. Also, it is suggested here that, to maintain the Active Intuition proactively brought forth by teachers, such teachers should accumulate care experience in the awareness of the "Body/Mind integration" that defines their future physical way of being.
- 2009-05-30
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