1-P-16 Oxidative stress in skeletal muscle during hindlimb unloading(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
ANDO Daisuke
Department of Physical Education, National Defense Academy
KOYAMA Katsuhiro
Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, University of Yamanashi
Ando Daisuke
Department Of Physical Education National Defense Academy
Ando Daisuke
Faculty Of Education And Human Sciences University Of Yamanashi
Ando Daisuke
Laboratory Of Biodiversity Science School Of Agriculture And Life Sciences University Of Tokyo
Koyama Katsuhiro
Faculty Of Education And Human Sciences University Of Yamanashi
安藤 大輔
National Defense Academy
- 2-P-46 Effect of hydrogen saturated alkaline electrolyzed water on disuse muscle atrophy in gastrocnemius(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
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- 212. グルココルチコイド誘発性酸化ストレスに対する経口的グルタミン摂取の影響(代謝, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)
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- 186.高強度レジスタンス運動が血漿アシル型グレリン濃度へ及ぼす影響(体液・内分泌,一般口演,第60回 日本体力医学会大会)
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- 1-P-16 Oxidative stress in skeletal muscle during hindlimb unloading(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
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- 94. 女子小中学生における3年間の骨量変化に対する体格・生活習慣変化の影響(運動器,第62回日本体力医学会大会)
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- 1-O-15 Effect of hydrogen saturated alkaline electrolyzed water on urinary oxidative stress markers after an acute exercise in humans(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- 374. 低酸素曝露に対する生体反応と酸化ストレス(環境,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
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