- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally, when designing the iron sand slurry carrier, it is very important to grasp the ore pressure on the hold induced by the iron sand slurry. However, we can't almost see the work which dealt with the ore pressure of iron sand slurry. The authors, therefore, carried out some model tests to make design load of the hold clear. The outline of the model tests are as follows. (1) Fundamental soil property test of iron sand slurry. (2) Statical loading test (the loading speed and slurry density of test are same as those of actual ship) (3) Rolling test after loading (The rolling acceleration of test is same as that of actual ship) As the results, the following conclusions were delivered. (1) In the statical loading condition, the ore pressure acting on the hold induced by the iron sand slurry can be estimated by means of the Coulomb's active earth pressure. (2) In the middle and bottom layer of the iron sand slurry in the hold, rolling motion does not cause Liquefaction.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1979-03-15
縄田 卓生
松野 善之
縄田 卓生
松前 宏
松野 善之
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