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Hot-forming procedures with line heating techniques are extensively used in bending structural members to produce a desired amount of curvature in shipbuilding industry. Although the techniques of this method are practically established, these are an art rather than a science. There is a lack of substantiated data that directly relate to the effect of various heating parameters on the efficiency of hot-forming or the possible material degradation. This paper is concerned with the former question. Much of the work has been directed toward determining the mechanical behavior of mild steel strips subjected to specific thermal cycles. We carried out numerical calculations by taking for a simplified model. The experimental investigations were also performed in which the obtained results concerning the effect of heating variables on the induced deflections were compared with the calculated ones. The main conclusions obtained by the analyses are as follows; (1) The material properties such as temperature dependence of yield stress and workhardening characteristic have remarkable influences upon the amount of induced deflections. (2) It has been shown that the effects of maximum heating temperatures and number of thermal cycles on the amount of deflections may be explained reasonably by considering the workhardening of the material. (3) The accelerated cooling with water-spray just behind torches is apt to diminish the amount of deflection. In this respect, it is suggested that the viscoelastic effect may have to be considered as well in the heating cycle of high temperature range.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
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