6. CFD研究の発達(400米水槽25年の歩み)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies in the Ship Performance Division is reviewed. First the studies based on the potential flow theory or the boundary-layer theory are briefly reviewed. The studies on the computation of ship viscous flows are described. The pseudo-compressibility approach is used together with the JAF scheme. The wake distributions computed with four different ship hulls show good agreement with measured results. Computations of free-surface flows around ships are described. The MAC method is used. The computed wave patterns on the hull side showed good agreeinent with measured results. Computations of flows past wing sections and propellers are reviewed. It is stressed that the multi-block approach is essential for the computation of flows past marine propellers becaused of their low pitch ratio. As an example of the usefulness of CFD for feasibility studies, the computations of MilD (Magneto-hydrodynamics) flows are reviewed. Computed results of the flow past a ship hull under the MilD effect are shown. Lastly, capabilities and limitations of the present status of CFD are summarized, and the directions toward which future efforts for the development of CFD studies should be directed are discussed.
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- 6. CFD研究の発達(400米水槽25年の歩み)
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