家庭科におけるシティズンシップ教育と教師のポジショナリティ : 高校「家族・家庭」の授業ディスコース分析を中心に
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The purpose of this paper is to examine teachers' positionality on citizenship education. "Teachers' positionality" refers to the way in which the existence of teachers, their roles and functions in the process of education are positioned by students or others. Among seventeen class sessions, four (360 minutes) were chosen to be analyzed using a discourse analysis. A discourse analysis in this study utilized a discourse theory which was developed by Jon Davison (2000) in an area of citizenship education. This study analyzed the following three perspectives of Discourses between teachers and students; (1) the ways that teachers use their power over students, (2) teachers' interactive skills, and (3) the ways of teaching their knowledge. 1. There were few IRE (Inquiry, Reply and Evaluation) activities. Nevertheless, there were many teachers' instructions. 2. The teachers asked many questions and frequently repeated students' dialogues. When students whispered in class, the teachers attenmpted to divert the students' attention by giving instructions, asking questions, and engaging in conversation. 3. The teachers used a strategy of appreciating students' dialogues in class through a perspective of rhetoric and meta knowledge.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2009-07-01
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- 家庭科におけるシティズンシップ教育と教師のポジショナリティ : 高校「家族・家庭」の授業ディスコース分析を中心に
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