- 論文の詳細を見る
As a raw material of cucumber pickles, salted cucumber is now mostly imported from the U.S. for its good quality. And so, to attempt the improvement of pickles quality by using Ca-salts, comparative studies of Japanese cucumber with American one were conducted on the effect of Ca-salts on the firmness of the pickles texture and the characterestic properties of pectin components. The results obteined were as follows:1) U.S. cucumbers used without Ca treatment had a slightly higher pectin content (Total pectin) than Japanese one. And thier firmness was of much higher degree.2) In Japanese cucumbers, hydrochloric acid-soluble pectin (HSP) increased according to the increase of Ca content, and in U.S. cucumbers, ammonium oxalate-soluble pectin (ASP) showed the tendency to increase according to added Ca content. But other soluble pectin in both Japanese and U.S. cucumbers remained almost constant.3) By the use of a variety of Ca-salts, Ca lactate showed the most effective increase of HSP and ASP in Japanese cucumbers.4) According to the increase of Ca content, Ca content in alcohol insoluble substances (AIS) of U.S. cucumbers distinctly increased twice or thrice as much as that of Japanese cucumbers.5) The estimated value of firmness decreased by moving the estimating position from the fruit stalk side to the top end of cucumber, and increased by the treatment with much Ca-salts for Japanese cucumbers, but for U.S. cucumbers, no such correlation was found.
- 松山東雲女子大学・松山東雲短期大学の論文
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