- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of flow visualization experiments of pulsating flow obstructed by an array of square rods was carried out to investigate its flow characteristics. In the experiments, the Reynolds number, pulsating period, amplitude and pitch of rod arrangement were varied at several values. In order to investigate the flow qualitatively, PTV (Particle Tracking Velocimetry) was applied. When the pulsation is absent and the pitch: L/d ranges from 6.67 to 13.3, it is observed that Karman vortices shed regularly from each rod, and the Strouhal number is about 0.3. When the pulsating period is relatively long compared with the shedding period and its amplitude is large, flow acceleration stabilizes the flow. On the other hand, the flow deceleration destabilizes the flow and Karman vortices break down. When the pulsating period is shorter than shedding period and its amplitude is large, the flow pulsation controls the generation and breakdown of the Karman vortices. In order to examine the validity of the numerical simulation code, the experimental results were compared with the calculated results. As for the Strouhal number in the steady flow, the calculated results agree well with the experimental results within measured errors except for the case: L/d = 6.67 and Re = 1,000, whose results depend on the range of the calculation domain, and is still being studied. When the pressure gradient parameter in the numerical simulation code is changed with time, obtained results becomes a pulsating flow. Time variations of pressure difference and flow rate show similarity between the experimental results and calculated results.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1999-11-10
澤田 健一
村田 裕幸
小林 道幸
澤田 健一
小林 道幸
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