- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors reported on the last paper that the effect of long stay at coal exporting ports in Australia due to port congestion has remarkably appeared on the bio-fouling and fuel consumption of ships on homeward voyages. This effect is a big problem for ship operating companies accompany with the rise of fuel oil price. Bio-fouling is also considered as the causes of transportation of aquatic species. The necessity of counter measures against bio-fouling has been discussed at IMO. In this paper the authors investigated the operation records of two other coal carriers whose particulars are almost the same as the previously reported ship's particular. And also the effect of bio-fouling of those ships was analyzed based on the coefficient of fuel oil consumption defined by "C" as the evaluation value. Especially the effect of short navigation which was carried out during the long stay of ports in order to avoid the bio-fouling was studied carefully. The result of analysis shows that C value is proper index for evaluation of bio-fouling and that a short navigation is effective method to protect the bio-fouling of ship hull.
- 2010-03-25
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