長崎大学環境科学部における体験型フィールド教育 : 課外科目「地域力再生プロジェクト」の事例
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In this case, aiming at the view of the direction in the future, we would like to consider the current situation of the experience-based field education in our faculty, having the case example of “project for revival of local power” which was an extracurricular class of the environment studies faculty, carried out in Unzen City in 2009. We report the appearance on each day with students’ speeches, describe the total general overview. Especially on the speeches, we collected them focusing on how students changed their images for the local area and field experience before and after their participations. It might have been a slight opportunity for the experience in a short time, however, the speech of participate students revealed that even the students in environment science faculty never had a plenty of time to operate in the actual field so far. As a result, overwhelming lack of field experiences by students, while on the other hand, limited villages is fitted for the field experiences the best, having human materials with rich empirical knowledge and remaining natural environment, those 2 points were clarified. This subject has been developed as a qualified subject in the faculty since 2010. I, author myself, would like to seek the better way of experience-based field education, being aware of the meaning of “two wheels of one cart” at any time.
- 2010-03-31
- 長崎大学環境科学部における体験型フィールド教育 : 課外科目「地域力再生プロジェクト」の事例
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