人工湧昇流発生装置に関する研究 : 人工構造物の設計について
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As reported in the related two theses of previous meeting, flow visualization tests on a topographical scale model of "Shiomaki Shoo" bank revealed that large scale karman vortices are formed in the wake zone behind the bank even in submerged condition, and also flow visualization tests on cones and circular cylinders under various submergences proved that two dimensional flows, strongly connected with large scale vortices, appear to approximate the flow structure when the water depth is shallow, which was also confirmed numerically. In this paper, authors found a theoretical method of designing artificial structure for large scale Karman vortices generators which are expected to produce artificial upwelling, by applying the results of those experiments. First, adequate water depth above top of the bank has been defined, and large scale of vortices are expected to be found when the water depth above the bank top is less than the critical value. Then the volume, length, width and depth of an artificial structure, to be located at the top of the potential bank, are calculated by the given formulae.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1991-09-04
山田 賢司
緒方 源信
椛田 剛
緒方 源信
緒方 源信
三菱重工業株式会社 長崎造船所
長井 利彰
山田 賢司
三菱重工業 下関造船所
山田 賢司
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