- 論文の詳細を見る
The thermal environment in an enclosed space, like the reefer holds of a refrigerated cargo ship or the air-conditioned cabins, is controlled by means of a forced circulation of cold or hot air blow. For designing such enclosed spaces, the governing factors of heat convection should necessarily be found by an analysis of the problem. The natural tendency to form thermal layers and heat pockets should be prevented from the viewpoint of maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the living spaces, preventing damage to the cargo from any kind of imbalanced heat distribution and energy saving through heat efficient consumption methods. This paper makes a precise investigation of the thermal environment in an anisotropic turbulent air flow subjected to gravitational effects, by including the diffusion terms with the buoyancy effects in the momentum and heat transport equations. The numerical calculations based on these equations are carried out while, the air flow velocity and temperature distribution are measured experimentally in a thermally insulated container type chamber with induced hot air blows. Numerical and experimental results are compared with each other to justify the validity of the theoretical formulation of the problem of turbulent heat convection with buoyancy effects. Besides, the relationship between the temperature distribution and the various controlling factors, a detailed knowledge of which are essential in the design of thermally insulated enclosed spaces, are clarified.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1990-03-15
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