- 論文の詳細を見る
This study seeks to clarify today's problems existing in the education of children. Toward this end, I will look into the educational policies, its practices, and the other relevant issues that concern the educational capacity of community in general. Firstly, I overview the current situation which children face now. In particular, their criminal and other juvenile delinquency tendencies. I will also touch on the issues of children hooked on the virtual world. which affects their ability to associate with their beloved friends and neighbors. Secondly, I describe the trend found in the policies for rebuilding the educational capacity of community. The common characteristics are found in their trying to establish the school system of "Yutori and Jujitu"-enjoyable and substantial education-,in order to cultivate children's "Ikiru Chikara and Kokoro"-living ability and mind. The policy tries to achieve these aims by introducing the five days school system. the school subject called "comprehensive study" and the voluntary activities which needs the smooth cooperation of school, family and community. I also analyze the fact that the educational policies expect the human formational and educational possibilities of community. Thirdly, this paper describes some educational practices in several communities across Japan, particularly in Aichi prefecture, in which many children have been growing in community-centers, citizen's public halls and unoccupied classrooms in primary schools. Finally, I propose some ideas concerning the way to recognize the potential capacity of community in educational field. I argue the significance of understanding the meaning of community life for children, and how to organize the association of children in community, etc.
- 2009-12-20
- ベルリンの中等学校(2)
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- 地域でなかまと育ちあう:地域の教育力再生・創造をめざして
- 3 都市化と教育 : 愛知県東海市を事例として(1)(第5部会 地域)
- 生涯学習政策の展開下における住民の学習権保障の追求--戦後社会教育思想のあゆみ(3)
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- 戦間期日本社会教育史の研究--視点と課題
- ベルリンの中等学校
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- 地域コミュニティの教育力再生の動向と研究課題 (コミュニティ政策学へのアプローチ(3))
- 創立110周年記念号の刊行にあたって
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- 輝いて生きる : 学びこそ原動力
- 小川 利夫 著, 『小川利夫社会教育論集』, 全8巻, 亜紀書房刊, 1992年2月〜2001年10月発行, A5判, 定価9,800円〜19,500円
- 愛知県日進市の生涯学習・社会教育政策 : 現状と課題
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- 東海地域と社会教育--愛知県東海市のばあい (都市化と社会教育) -- (第4部 地域と社会教育)
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