- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aims to estimate China's fossil fuel CO2 emissions and to analyze their sectoral structures and trends since 1980. China's fossil fuel CO2 emissions have been increasing rapidly in the last decade and it came to be the world's largest as of 2007. China is seeking for the way to "Low Carbon Economy," because it is necessary for the sustainable growth of China itself as well as for the global reduction of greenhouse gases. Although the data of CO2 emissions are important for implementing environmental policies and researches, the detailed data of China's CO2 emissions have been insufficient so far. Our study tries to estimate the detail of fossil fuel CO2 emissions with the energy consumption data in China Statistical Year Book of Energy from 1980 to 2007 and the coefficients of CO2 emissions. The estimated results show the followings. First, the total (fossil fuel) CO2 emissions have been increasing rapidly since 2001. As a result, CO2 emissions per GDP have not decreased and per capita CO2 emissions have much increased in the same period. Second, since the primary energy still depends on coal, CO2 emissions per energy consumption cannot be easily decreased. Third, the energy transformation (power and heat generation) sector is now the largest source of CO2 emissions and the amount of emissions is increasing. The share of electric power in the total energy use has been increasing, while its major primary energy source is coal. That is the reason that the energy transformation sector is the biggest factor pushing up the total CO2 emissions. If this sector's CO2 emissions are allocated to each sector according to its power consumption, the production sector has the largest share of emissions. Looking at these results, we have to expect strong policies to improve energy efficiency and to change the structure of energy consumption in order to achieve China's and also the world's goals of reduction of CO2 emissions.
- 2010-03-31
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