- 論文の詳細を見る
"Green tourism" is a word corresponding to "rural tourism" in Europe. It does not depend on famous sightseeing spots, but utilizes natural and industrial resources in each area. Also, it aims at sustainable development of regional economy. Lately several projects to promote green tourism have been implemented in rural areas in Japan. Wakayama Prefecture has many depopulated towns and villages. Visitors to these areas are increasing, while the total number of tourists to Wakayama Prefecture tends to decline. In some of those towns and villages, green tourism attracts visitors. Kumanogawa Town and Shimizu Town are successful examples of it. In Kumanogawa Town, which is far from Wakayama City and Osaka, several events are arranged with residents' hospitality. These events are interesting to people living in big cities and visitors are satisfied with them. In Shimizu Town, which is located in the day trip area from Wakayama City and Osaka, several recreational facilities are provided. People can experience rural life and culture at some of these facilities. However, these examples also have problems. As for "event-oriented green tourism" such as in Kumanogawa Town, a number of events exhaust people in the community. On the other hand, in "facility-oriented Green Tourism" such as in Shimizu Town, both financial and social profitability of the facilities is a problem. Economic impact of tourists is estimated in this paper with the data of 17 depopulated towns and villages in Wakayama Prefecture from 1992 to 1998. Local tax revenue is regressed on the number of tourists, agricultural income, and population. Both group effects and time effects are considered in the panel-data regression. Moreover, the fixed effects models are tested and chosen over the random effects models. The estimated coefficient of the number of day trip tourists is positive and significant. It implies that day trip tourists, many of whom visit the depopulated towns and villages for the purpose of green tourism, have a certain economic impact on regional economy. In contrast, no relationship is observed between local tax revenue and the number of overnight tourists. At the end of this paper, the characteristics of economic impact of green tourism on regional economy are discussed. One of them is that green tourism is expected to have large impact on local industries in each area. The other is that green tourism is a suitable way of sustainable development of regional economy.
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