肖像画家と詩人 : JBYとYeats(岡田章子教授退任記念号)
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John Butler Yeats ( JBY) is chiefly remembered as the father of a leading poet of Ireland, William Butler Yeats (WBY). He drew many portrait paintings. After JBY studied classics, metaphysics, and logic in Trinity College, he was trained as a barrister. But he never practiced law. He decided to be an artist and moved with his family to London to study drawing at Heatherley's Art School, where he made friends with Samuel Butler. He spent ten years there among painters, bohemians and intellectuals before returning to Dublin to work as a portraitist, as can be found in WBYs' Autobiographies. The best of his paintings are of his family and friends, such as his sons and Isaac Butt. In 1997 he moved again to London, where he became one of leading figures in a circle of Pre-Raphaelite artists in Bedford Park. At the age of sixty he returned once more to Dublin. In 1907 he left for New York, where he died in 1922. In addition to portrait painting, he is known as a witty essayist. He wrote many essays on art and his country, living in Ireland and United States. He was an admirer of Watts and saw a similarity between Watts' approach to portrait painting and his own. In an essay on George Frederick Watts written in 1906, JBY wrote: `the best portraits will be painted where the relationship of the sitter and the painter is one of friendship'. A typical example of this is his drawing of John M. Synge. These essays were collected in Essays : Ireland and America (1917). JBY had a great influence on WBY in his childhood, as he says. As a matter of course, it is very important to know his idea on art and politics. Judging from the fact that the Yeats family is a Anglo-Irish descendant, it is significant to know he related to his heritage, as well. The purpose of this paper is to investigate JBY's thought through his essays.
- 2010-03-19
- 肖像画家と詩人 : JBYとYeats(岡田章子教授退任記念号)
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