Modeling of Seamless Interworking Environments for Heterogeneous Mobile Systems(Terrestrial Radio Communications)
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In future systems beyond IMT-2000, macrocell cellular systems such as the 3G systems and high bandwidth microcell wireless systems such as Wireless LAN will complement one another. Routing in the systems beyond IMT-2000 will support seamless inter- and intra-system handover among the cellular and WLAN systems by maintaining active connections. Under such environments, the time scales of mobility and bandwidth-sharing behavior cannot be easily separated. It is not obvious what fraction of traffic is accommodated by each cellular and WLAN system, i.e. the traffic distribution is unknown. This paper shows the considerable impacts the mobility of users has on the capacities of the systems beyond IMT-2000 with roaming capability between different bit rate systems. Especially, this paper demonstrates that the traffic distribution among different systems is a major factor in defining total network throughput. We also provide an analytical method to determine the traffic distribution based on the theory of queueing networks.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2006-10-01
KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.
Nakamura H
Kddi R & D Laboratories Inc.
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
NOMOTO Shinichi
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
Department of Information Science, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University
Watanabe Yu
Department Of Information Science Faculty Of Engineering Utsunomiya University
Fukushima M
Kddi R & D Laboratories Inc.
Fukushima Masaki
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Nomoto Shinichi
Kddi R&d Lab. Inc. Fujimino‐shi Jpn
Nakamura H
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Nakamura Hajime
Kddi R&d Laboratories
Nakamura Hajime
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
KDDI Corporation
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