開心術後に合併する膵炎の発症機序の臨床的検討 : 特に循環動態との関連について
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The relationship between hypoperfusion and the development of pancreatitis after open heart surgery was evaluated. The subjects were 39 patients having undergone open heart surgery (14 patients after valve replacement, 25 after coronary bypass surgery). The levels of serum lipase were monitored serially after operation. Pancreatitis was defined when the peak lipase level exceeded 564 U/L, 4 times the upper limit of the normal level. These patients were divided into two groups, one group with pancreatitis (Group P; 12 cases) and the other without (Group C; 21 cases). Group C was defined when the peak lipase level was below 2 times the upper limit of the normal level, 141 U/L. Thus the other 6 cases were excluded from this study. The relationship of the peak lipase levels with cardiac function (LVEDVI, LVEF), renal function, factors related to extracorporeal circulation, postoperative hemodynamics within 24 hours (arterial pressure, cardiac index, PA and RA pressure), and factors of the perioperative course were examined. Neither cardiac function nor any factor of the extracorporeal circulation nor of the postoperative course differed between the two groups. With regard to the postoperative hemodynamics, the duration of lowsystolic bloodpressurebelow 90mmHg (4.7 ± 5.8 vs 0.7 + 1.9 hours, p<0.01), and of low cardiac index less than 1.8 L/min/m^2 (4.3 ± 5.6 vs 1.0 ± 3.0 hours, p<0.05) was significantly longer in Group P. Also, both of the minimum level of the cardiac index (2.38 ± 0.64 vs 3.30 ± 1.23 ml/min/m^2, p<0.05) and the systolic blood pressure (81 ± 18 vs 94 ± 14 mmHg, p<0.05) were significantly lower in Group P. Two cases with minimum systolic blood pressure lower than 60 mmHg were in Group P. Conclusion: We infer that postoperative hypoperfusion, especially in the early phase, is an important cause of pancreatitis after open heart surgery.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1996-11-25
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