男子大卒者の初期キャリア発達 : 適職感(Feeling of Vocational Suitability)の継時的変化の検討をとおして
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問題方法 分析対象 調査方法 調査期間 分析手続結果 適職感の継時的変化 入職前の適職感と初職 現職と入職後の適職感考察Toward understanding developmental processes whereby the Japanese male adolescent enters and establishes an early vocational career, a set of panel-data consisting of 317 male college graduates derived from a larger, longitudinal national survey was analized. Patterns in the changes of vocational suitability perceived by the 317 panels at their three chronological age points (15, 18, and 26 years old) were examined. An intraindividual change was observed to occur between the point of age 18 and the point of age 26 (between before and after their entry into vocational careers). There was almost no change for the time from 15 to 18 years old (for the time before their entry into vocational careers). With this basic pattern, an interindividual difference was found to emerge where the panel was compared each other in terms of the disciplinary field majored at college (a difference between humanities and social science majors and engineering and natural science majors). For these findings, implications are presented in relation to the broader education-acquiring system in contemporary Japanese society.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
武田 圭太
南 隆男
南 隆男
南 隆男
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- 男子大卒者の初期キャリア発達 : 適職感(Feeling of Vocational Suitability)の継時的変化の検討をとおして
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