- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study examines the effects of information provided to students about their own vocational preferences on their search for occupational information. The effects of the students' level of vocational preparation are also examined. Search effectiveness is evaluated in regard to the efficiency of searching for information and student satisfaction with the search. Forty undergraduate students were divided into two groups of twenty, one being the experiment group and the other the control group. In advance of all experiment sessions, each student was evaluated for level of vocational preparation. A vocational preference inventory (VPI) was administered to students in the experiment group and the results regarding vocational preference were provided to these students. A session of searching for occupational information using a pilot CD-ROM version of The Occupational Outlook Handbook followed the VPI session. Students in the control group did not take the VPI before the search session. Students in the experiment group searched for occupational information more effectively than students in the control group, and also were more satisfied with the results of the search. Among students with high vocational preparation scores, those in the experiment group were more satisfied with the search than those in the control group. In the control group, students with low vocational preparation scores were more satisfied with the search than students with high vocational preparation scores. The results of this study suggest the usefulness of information regarding students' vocational preferences for an occupational search. When considering the future development of computerized career guidance systems in Japan, both the self-evaluation step and the occupational information step should be considered as essential components of such a system.
- 日本キャリア教育学会の論文
- 1997-11-01
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- 513 校則にみる学校組織の制度化に関する研究 : II. 内容分析の方法(校則・規範,社会2,社会)
- 512 校則にみる学校組織の制度化に関する研究 : I. 問題と背景(校則・規範,社会2,社会)
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- キャリア発達過程におけるカウンセラーとコンピュータの役割(翻訳)
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