Streptzotocin糖尿病ラットにおける膵外分泌機能の解析 : インスリン治療の外分泌機能に及ぼす効果および外分泌容量反応の検討
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The nature and the mechanism of pancreatic exocrine dysfunction in diabetes mellitus were evaluated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic rats. The content of amylase in diabetic rat pancreas was markedly decreased, while that of trypsinogen was significantly increased compared to those in control rat pancreas. The time-course of amylase, trypsiongen, and protein release, and pancreatic juice secretion in response to caerulein or carbamylcholine from isolated perfused pancreas prepared from diabetic rat was similar to that from normal rat pancreas. Basal and caerulein-stimulated output of amylase from diabetic rat pancreas was significantly reduced, while that of trypsinogen was significantly increased as compared to the control rat pancreas. Insulin treatment prevented these changes in diabetic rat pancreas. The dose-response curves for caerulein were similarly shaped in both control and diabetic rats, but the minimal and the maximal release occured with 5- to 50-fold higher concentration of caerulein in diabetic rat. In contrast, the concentration dependence of carbamylcholine-stimulated exocrine secretions from normal and diabetic rat pancreas was strikingly similar. The present study demonstrates the marked alteration in the content of certain digestive enzymes in the pancreas leading to an altered amount of enzyme secretion, and the selective reduction of the sensitivity to caerulein in the diabetic rat.
- 神戸大学の論文
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