ソシオメトリー研究の発展と今日の諸問題(其の一) : モレノのソシオメトリーの背後にあるもの(IV 社会,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集)
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IV 社会,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集一. ソシオメトリーとは何か二. モレノのソシオメトリー (一) ソシオメトリーの哲学 (二) ソシオメトリーの基礎概念 (三) ソシオメトリーの科学的方法論 (四) ソシオメトリーの諸技術Sociometry is now defined, roughly speaking, in three different ways as follows. (1) Sociometry is an approach which aims at the operational definition of sociological concepts and accordingly all measurement of societal and interpersonal phenomena. (2) Sociometry is an approach to measure and estimate dynamic interrelations within and among groups and the structure of groups. It is often identified with sociometric test. (3) Sociometry is the direct study of groupal and structured dynamics through measurement, namely, a science which aims at clarifying the substance of interrelations within and among groups rather than measuring and estimating them. Moreno has put various definitions on sociometry as the occasion and circumstance may demand. In spite of the apparent variation of his definitions, his fundamental ideas on sociometry have been consistent from the start to the present time and his sociometric systems are still integrated rigidly in his own brains. We can, therefore, discuss his sociometry at least from the following four aspects when we consider it. (1) Philosophy of sociometry: (2) Fundamental concepts of sociometry: (3) Scientific methodology of sociometry: (4) Various techniques of sociometry: Moreno's sociometry is composed of the close connection of philosophy, science and therapy. Therefore many of his theories on human action are based both on empirical research findings and on theoretico-speculative imagination, and religious value judgements often enter into his theories.
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