ソシオメトリー研究の発展と今日の諸問題(その三) : ソシオメトリー研究の部門別発展傾向(一)(横山松三郎先生古稀記念論文集)
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横山松三郎先生古稀記念論文集(三) ソシオメトリー研究の部門別発展傾向 (1) 今日の部門別分化の様相 (2) ソシオメトリー理論(考想)の発展The paper discussed mainly two problems: the present state of disjunction of Moreno's sociometry system and the others' evaluations of the theoretical aspect of his sociometry. The term "sociometry", as A. Bjerstedt indicated, is defined in many widely different ways by different authors now and has been used also by Moreno himself with changing connotations. Many different kinds of studies, therefore, are undertaken today under the same terms, "sociometry" or "sociometric." On the one hand Moreno resigns to this as inevitable process for a young science to a certain extent, and on the other hand he regrets it and says that it stems largely from the fact that the theories related to the various sociometric methods and techniques are not shared by all sociometrists. Since the theoretical aspect of Moreno's sociometry has many ethical and religious elements, it has been paid less attention by rigid scientists as compared with the other aspects, such as technical and therapeutic ones. Nevertheless there were a few persons who took notice of the former aspect. Johnson, sorokin, Wiese, Gurvitch and Znaniecki are representative scholars among them. The presents paper treated the evaluations by the first three persons. Johnson commerded highly Moreno's spontaneity-creativity theory as the basic one of "experimental theology", and Sorokin also approved the spontareity-creativity theory and psychodrama as the promising theory and technique of interpersonal relations although he found some faults with them. Wiese expressed great interest in Moreno's attraction-repulsion theory and measurement techniques from a view-point of his "Beziehungslehre."
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