- 論文の詳細を見る
I. 問題II. 方法 1. 各問題の信頼度の測定 2. 問題の選択 3. 尺度構成 : 尺度値の決定III. 結果 一. 各問の示した尺度値の考察 二. 重みをかけた採点法による予備的結果 三. 「かくありたい」との性格傾向よりの考察 四. 両採点法の列位相関要約文献Awaji-Okabe Introversion-Extroversion Test comprises fifty question, to each of which the subject is required to respond either affirmatively ("yes") or negatively ("no"). It is generally assumed that these responses are of equal intensity, i.e., they indicate the same degree of introversion or extroversion and accordingly they are weighted equally in the final score. However, there seems to be no *valid ground for making such an assumption. The realtions to thse questions may indicate varying degress of introversion and extraversion. It would be more mearly the "truth to suppose that an affirmative or a negative response indicates a measurable position on the continuum that extends from the extreme introversion at one end to the extreme extroversion at the other. In order to examine the validity of this contention, the writer conducted Awaji-Okabe Test (in which thirty out of the original fifty questions were used) on 439 college students including 214 men and 225 women. Applying Thurstone's method of equal appearing intervals to the results of this test, the I-E scales were constructed for men and woment separately. It was found that items near the extremes on one scale were near the center on the other and vice versa. For example, the item 6 (Do you always feel gloomy?) indicated the extreme introversion when the reply was affirmative but it indicated only slight extroversion, when the reply was negative. This fact appears to justify the writers's contention. Using two sets of weight for "yes" and "no" responses, the score was calculated. The men's mean score was 96. 30 and the women's 88. 28. The mean score for the male subjects who were diagnosed as psychastheriia was 74. 65 while that of the female subjects diagnased as psychasthenia was 68, 97. The discrepancy between the theoretical and the experimental scale values was 15 percent of the total range of scale values. The items in this test did not lie on a single linear scale.
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- スポーツマンの適性について : 精神身体的徴候 その1
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