自発的結合と制度的結合(IV 社会,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集)
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IV 社会,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集All human relations (A-B) are based on a common field (C) whose mucleus is constructed from institutional complexes, and these relations are able to have reality only by sharing such a common field. At the same time, C is actualised its meaning being supported by this A-B relation. And the way of support is illustrated by the way how social system as a whole keeps its equilibrium. When we talk about human relations, we assume generally that there exists the physical and psychological likeness or common interest among human beings, and try to place the relation upon a foundation which probably derived from the homogeneous responses of individividual social expectations. But when we look the human beings from a standpoint that they are essentially heterogeneous in a sense that the meaning they hold is different in their constellation, and in what way they maintain the equilibrium of this heterogenity, we must classify human connections in sponteneous (regulation by inner will) and institutional (regulation by outer power) connections. Sponteneous connection can be divided into 1) self-effacing connection by some value-feeling, and 2) co-operated connection to some purpose, whereas the institutional connection can be divided into 1) costomary connection, and 2) compulsory connection by some institutional enfocement. Sponteneous and institutional connections are dependent upon one another and mutually share a common basis. Through this classification, we can see all the human relations in a way how they are saturated by outer or inner power, and it will serve the purpose of studying the state of equilibrium of historical social system.
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