- 論文の詳細を見る
In this essay I intend to show the characteristics of German Romanticism especially. from the idea of Novalis, and to examine how the psychological tendencies of German Pietism influenced upon them. This .esiayi consists of four chapters as follows: 1. Gemut. At first, the outlines of Novalis' "magic idealism " are clarified and the concepts of Gemut are defined. Still more the tradition of symbolic Weltanschauung is treated together with mystical religious character which will,solve the symbolic world. 2. Ironie. First I presented the Friedrich Schlegel's Philosophy and his romantic Irony, and, in comparison with it the idea of Irony of Novalis is studied from the new standpoint as the emotional co-ordinate concept in the hope of finding the passivity of the harmony of this antinomy. 3. Pietism. Here I examine the natures of German Pietism, above all its contradicated features,-namely, asceticism and joy of life, self-distress and elegance, self-denial and self-affirmation etc. and seek the reason'for this ,paradoxical nature. 4. Religion. We cannot think German Romanticism without religion. Here the essence of religion of Novalis is cohipared with that of Pietism, and other external and internal likeness is presented as a whole.
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