- 論文の詳細を見る
Throughout the experiment of transplantation with the fructose sarcoma of Takizawa strain, the present study showed the changes of nucleic acid in the transplantated sarcoma cells using H_3-thymidine autoradiographically, methylgreen-pyronine staining and Feulgen reaction. The fructose sarcoma, which transplanted for generations in the d-d strain mice (No. 374), was used in this experiment 10 days after transplantation. These animals were sacrificed at three days after transplantation the following results were observed. 1) The transplantated sarcoma tissue started to infiltrate into the adjacent tissue. 2) The up-take of H_3-thymidine showed remarkable. Tumor cells were remarkably stained with methylgreen-pyronine at 5 days after transplantation and were more remarkable than those of 3 days group. 10 days after transplantation the following results were observed. 1) The sarcoma tissue became to the tumor of 1.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm., the up-take H_3-thymidine in the sarcoma cells was on the decrease observed. 2) The affinity of pyronine in the cytoplasma was observed the most remarkable. 3) The nucleoli were observed the most numerously and the affinity of pyronine in nucleoli became to the most remarkable. In other words, the synthesis of DNA in the fructose sarcoma cells was observed the most vigorously in 3 days to 5 days after transplantation. The synthesis of RNA in the cytoplasma was observed on the other hand the most prosperously in 10 days after transplantation (rather than in 3 days or 5 days). It is firmly concluded that the suitable stage for transplantation to the next generation is the 10 days after the transplantation.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-07-28
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