- 論文の詳細を見る
In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, the consideration should be paid to general conditions of the body, as well as to the method of dispensing antituberculotics to prevent tubercle bacilli from acquiring resistance to the drugs. In view of the fact that some adrenocortical hornions have been demonstrated to have systemic effects, capable of reconditioning the body to a certain extent, experimental and clinical observations were carried out to study the effects of its administration in combination with some antitubereulotics in pulmonary tuberculosis. Observations were made in 44 patients, of whom 30 were given predonisolone and 14 a certain other preparation. Animal experiments: (1) Guinea pigs were inoculated with a strain of tubercle bacilli, H_<37>Rv, which had developed resistance to 10γ of isoniazid. Administration of cortisone to them resulted in exacerbation of tuberculosis. (2) Some of the guinea pigs, to which H_<37>Rv had been inoculated, were given isoniazid singly, while others were given isoniazid and cortisone together. When autopsied, the former were found to be riddled with more tuberculous lesions than the latter. Clinical observations; (1) Improvements were more marked in patients with the disease of fundamental types B and E when isoniazid and the hormone were given together. (2) Roentgenograms showed obliteration or diminution of cavities with soft walls even during the treatment, and enlargement, with thinning of walls, of cavities with hardened walls during the treatment, followed by their obliteration and diminution after the treatment. (3) Many patients became sputum-negative after the treatment. (4) Administration of the hormone resulted in an increase in the resistance of tubercle bacilli to isoniazid and, at the same time, a decrease in their virulence against guinea pigs. (5) The combined administration of isoniazid and the- hormone had marked systemic effects.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1959-09-28
- 25.びまん性肝疾患における超音波診断(第638回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- 13.外傷性胆道出血の1例(第702回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
- 17.重症ルポイド型肝炎の2症例(第678回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
- 各種疾患におけるPAIgGの特異性と臨床的有用性
- 4.各種血液,肝疾患(特に血小板減少性)におけるPAIgG値の診断的意義とその変動(第841回千葉医学会例会,第1内科教室同門会例会)
- 14.胆嚢アデノミオマトーシスの臨床的検討(第815回 千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- 8.内視鏡的マイクロ波凝固療法の有用法(第801回 千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- 6. 同一対象の毎月検便に於けるShigella, Arizona, Bethesda-Ballerup検索成績(第337回千葉医学会例会(臨床))
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- 17.粘液産生膵癌の1例(第761回 千葉医学会例会・第1回 内科教室同門会例会)
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- 29.肝癌に対するTAE-TPE併用療法の臨床的および組織学的検討(第781回 千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
- 26.肝腫瘍におけるパルス・ドプラ法の臨床的有用性について(第781回 千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- 13.肝炎多発が疑われる地区の症例について(第585回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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