閉ざされたフィールドを拓く : エスノグラフィー論(<特集>質的調査の現在)
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This paper attempts to determine a method for making use of the "image of deviation," which we fieldworkers possess and typically regard as a bias contaminating our research, as a resource for interpretation, and by doing so open the door to the field of "deviation." Among qualitative studies of educational sociology, only a handful have focused on the self (involvement, attitude, etc.) expressed in the "image" held by researchers. One of the reasons for this situation seems to be the long-standing perception among quantitative studies in educational sociology that the "image" (involvement and attitude) introduced by the researcher is "a potential contaminant" that should be "separated out, neutralized, minimized, standardized, and controlled" (Fine et al. 2000, p. 108) In this paper, we begin by examining barriers to fieldwork in the area of "deviation" (the problem of fieldworkers being regarded as contamination) and, through research and study in the "narrative mode," offer direction in shifting to a closed field. Secondly, we develop a method of description that transforms the fieldworker's "image" into a resource for research and interpretation. In order to achieve this goal, the "practice of interpretation" must first be described in words, through a transformation of the fieldworker's "image" into a resource for interpretation; the method of description must also be properly set out and organized, in order to avoid becoming trapped in a "dead end of self-reflection." We opt to focus on the "writing mode" and "reading mode" (Emerson et al. 1995, p. 63) as methods of description, and adopt a technique by which we avoid the "dead end of self-reflection." In transforming the "image" into a resource for interpretation, we focus our attention on the distinction between "content" (experience lived and experience described: what is described) and "method" (way of description: how to describe) (Gubrium and Holstein 2000, p. 496). By carefully describing "first person narrative" and "third person narrative," we also explain in this description the process of interaction-based meaning construction. Thirdly, based on results of actual fieldwork (follow-up survey on persons who have experienced taking magic mushrooms), we discuss ways to move toward practical applications in problem solving. (1) The process described in this paper is the same as the "interpretation technique" (process of interpretation practice) of "those who have experienced magic mushrooms," re-emphasizing that this practice may be referred to as a reason why people take magic mushrooms, and offering hints, though limited, toward answering the larger question of "why people take magic mushrooms." (2) Our next step will be in the direction of initiating a dialogue with the findings of previous studies. The dialogue between "cause approach" and "process approach" is important in terms of practical aspects of this research. For example, we can propose that, based on the results of this paper, the concepts of "neutralization" and "drift" can be reconstructed as ideas corresponding to situation-dependent interpretation practice applied to the deviation category.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2009-05-31
- 閉ざされたフィールドを拓く : エスノグラフィー論(質的調査の現在)
- これからの学級活動の創造--「問題解決」に着目して (特集論文 これからの特別活動の創造)
- 奨励賞を受賞して(第2回奨励賞を受賞して,学会賞選考委員会報告)
- 2.若者文化のフィールドワーク経験から : 「ドラッグ」「VIPカー」を事例として(教育研究における質的方法の可能性,課題研究3,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
- 「ドラッグ」経験者のライフヒストリー(2)フィールドに基づく薬物乱用防止カリキュラム開発
- 「ドラッグ」経験者のライフヒストリー(1)ワーキングホリデーの若者たち
- 第3土曜のパーキングエリア : 「カスタムカー」チームのフィールドワーク(青少年と若者文化)
- マジックマッシュルームとは何か : 公共の言説とせめぎあう使用者の経験
- メンバーにおけるマジックマッシュルームの広がり : ドラッグユーザーのフィールドワーク(1)
- ドラッグ・ユーザーのフィールドワーク : 「ナチュラル」カテゴリーに着目して(IV-5 逸脱)
- 地方都市における学生文化の形成過程 : 愛媛県松山市の事例を中心にして(II-2 学生文化)
- 若者の薬物使用の問題に関する研究II : ある若者集団のエスノグラフィー(青少年(1))
- 脱法ドラッグ・ユーザーのライフヒストリー : ある機会的使用者に着目して
- 学力問題へのアプローチ(5) : 同和地区児童・生徒を中心に(IV-6部会 社会構造と教育)
- マンガにあらわれた教育2(II-7部会 メディアと教育)
- 学力問題へのアプローチ(3) : 同和地区生徒の学力変動を中心に(研究発表II II-6部会 社会構造と教育(1))
- 学力問題へのアプロ-チ(2)--同和地区生徒の低学力要因の検討
- 学力問題へのアプローチ(2) : 中学生調査を中心に
- 学力問題へのアプローチ : 生徒文化・自尊感情を中心に(III-6部会 学校(1))
- 高等学校における部活動の効果に関する研究 : 学業成績を中心に(II-5部会 学校文化)
- 「有害」コミック研究(1)(I-1部会 子どもとメディア)
- 文芸の教育社会学的研究II : 接触度を中心にして(II-2部会 情報と教育)
- 2. 教育改革と : 新自由主義的改革はいかに語られるか?(課題研究1 職場環境から教師の仕事を考える-教育改革における「みえる化」と教育の商品化のインパクト,課題研究)