2002FIFA日韓ワールドカップ^<TM>に関する調査研究 : 日本の開催都市とキャンプ地を中心として(学校法人京都外国語大学創立60周年記念号)
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In February 2006, I conducted a questionnaire survey in nine 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan venues and 17 preparation camp sites in Japan in order to find out why municipalities host international sports events and how much international sports events contribute to promoting international exchange. The survey results are as follows: 1. Only four venues and preparation camp sites in Japan answered that they asked citizens' opinions before they bid to be a venue or preparation camp site. This means that many municipalities did not do prior analysis of the project and as a result they revealed a lack of accountability. It is of vital importance to host an international sports event with citizens' full support by doing prior project evaluation and ensuring accountability. 2. It was found that the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan in Japan, an international sports event, had made a great contribution to the revitalization and internationalization of municipalities, the promotion of sports, the establishment of soccer in Japan, and the expansion of international sports exchange.
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